Thursday 10 March 2011

5 Images in 5 Locations

I have been asked to take 5 different images in 5 different locations.  In each of the images there needs to be a person somewhere and they are required to be either holding the item or wearing it.

Shutter Speed 1/10, F Stop 5.0, ISO 2500
Tamron 90mm Macro Lens

Shutter Speed 1/10, F Stop 5.0, ISO 1600
Tamron 90mm Macro Lens

Shutter Speed 1/30, F Stop 5.0, ISO 2000
Tamron 90mm Macro Lens

Shutter Speed 1/8, F Stop 5.0, ISO 1000
Tamron 90mm Macro Lens

Shutter Speed 1/250, F Stop 5.0, ISO 200
Tamron 90mm Macro Lens

Shutter Speed 1/30, F Stop 5.0, ISO 3200
Nikon 18-105mm Lens
Lamp on in room

All images had to be cropped to 8x8 format with 300 dpi.  I actually ended up doing 6 images.  The 1st image was the very 1st one that I took.  I feel that it's a little dark, which is one of the reasons why I have included it, so that I can look back and compare.  I still like the image but I just feel that it needs lightening.


  1. Hi
    A great set of images which show that you are able to control your camera manually and this ability will allow you to concentrate on being creative.
    Your research needs to start to develop more now and images and analysis needs to appear on your blogs along with the correct visual vocabulary to identify and draw out the value that you can add into your own work.


  2. Hi
    Still need to get your research moving please ready for the class this week, please, this has to be happening now as it will guide, inspire, influence and inform your work.


  3. Hi
    We need to catch up regarding the amount of work you are producing as I need to have all work in draft published so I can see where you are within the course. Can we discuss this next class.


  4. Hi
    Okay I am getting a bit worried now ,can you come to class so we can talk through what you need to do, if any work is in draft can you publish it as the volume of work you are doing is not enough considering how much time we have left.
    Come in and I will help you.

