Thursday 10 March 2011

5 Images in 5 Locations

I have been asked to take 5 different images in 5 different locations.  In each of the images there needs to be a person somewhere and they are required to be either holding the item or wearing it.

Shutter Speed 1/10, F Stop 5.0, ISO 2500
Tamron 90mm Macro Lens

Shutter Speed 1/10, F Stop 5.0, ISO 1600
Tamron 90mm Macro Lens

Shutter Speed 1/30, F Stop 5.0, ISO 2000
Tamron 90mm Macro Lens

Shutter Speed 1/8, F Stop 5.0, ISO 1000
Tamron 90mm Macro Lens

Shutter Speed 1/250, F Stop 5.0, ISO 200
Tamron 90mm Macro Lens

Shutter Speed 1/30, F Stop 5.0, ISO 3200
Nikon 18-105mm Lens
Lamp on in room

All images had to be cropped to 8x8 format with 300 dpi.  I actually ended up doing 6 images.  The 1st image was the very 1st one that I took.  I feel that it's a little dark, which is one of the reasons why I have included it, so that I can look back and compare.  I still like the image but I just feel that it needs lightening.

Thursday 3 March 2011

School Holiday Nature Images

Well, its been the school holidays and what do I do with an active 5 year old - take her to the seal sanctury.  Show her some baby seals, fish, ducks, plants and goats.  Or, was this trip just organised so that I get to practice???

All images were taken with my Nikon D90 with Nikon 18-105m lens.

Shutter Speed 1/50, F Stop 5.6, ISO 200

Shutter Speed 1/50, F Sop 5.6, ISO 200

Shutter Speed 1/50, F Stop 5.6, ISO 200

Shutter Speed 1/50, F Stop 5.6, ISO 200

Shutter Speed 1/100, F Stop 5.6, ISO 200

Shutter Speed 1/40, F Stop 5.6, ISO 200

Shutter Speed 1/80, F Stop 5.6, ISO 200

Shutter Speed 1/80, F Stop 5.6, ISO 200

Shutter Speed 1/80, F Stop 5.6, ISO 200

Shutter Speed 1/80, F Stop 5.0, ISO 200

Shutter Speed 1/40, F Stop 5.0, ISO 200

Shutter Speed 1/40, F Stop 5.6, ISO 200      

Shutter Speed 1/40, F Stop 5.0, ISO 200

Shutter Speed 1/13, F Stop 5.0, ISO 200

Shutter Speed 1/25, F Stop 5.0, ISO 200

Shutter Speed 1/25, F Stop 5.0, ISO 200

Shutter Speed 1/25, F Stop 5.0, ISO 200

Shutter Speed 1/25, F Stop 5.6, ISO 200

Shutter Speed 1/40, F Stop 5.6, ISO 200

Shutter Speed 1/13, F Stop 5.0, ISO 200

Shutter Speed 1/20, F Stop 5.6, ISO 200


I really enjoyed taking these image.  I took loads more but there's only a certain amount of seals that you can look at.  I normally walk into a situation and take a random photograph of nothing in particular to try and get the correct settings.  Sometimes they come out too dark and sometimes they come out too light but at least I'm now getting the hang of changing the settings on my Nikon and more often than not, I will get it right.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

My Equipment

The main part of my equipment is my Nikon D90.  After wanting a DLSR for quite a while, I finally plucked up the courage to purchase my Nikon last July after selling some gold.  I had 2 heavy gold curb chains that I had for a number of years.  Since losing some weight after the birth of my daughter they kept falling off my wrist which worried me.  I refused to have links taken out of them because this would decrease their value, and after storing them in my drawer for 8 months, I finally told my husband that I was going to have them weighed and I was going to buy a DSLR instead. 

I'm not stupid enough to sell gold to someone who stands in a shopping centre or to put it in an envelope and send it away so I took it to Birmingham Jewellery Quarter and did it properly, got top price for it and bought my Nikon the same day.  I got it home, charged it up and went around taking pictures of anything and everything.  But there was something missing...... I've always been fascinated with macro photography.  So, at Christmas, I was lucky enough to receive a macro lens, and I think that this has become my favourite lens.

Below is my current equipment:-

This is the body of the Nikon D90

This is the Nikon 18-105 mm lens which came with the camera

This is the Nikon 55-200mm lens which also came with the camera

This is a Tamron 90mm Macro lens

This is a Cam Link 2500 Tripod

8gb Memory Card

Camera Bag

I'm not sure which additional lenses I will require at the moment.  I would love a good telephoto lens which funds wont allow.  So, I need to have a look at reviews etc and find one that I would be happy with within my budget.  I would also like a wide angle lens as sometimes you feel that you are a bit too close and a wide angle lens would compensate for this to enable me to get the bigger picture. It's not always needed but sometimes I feel it would be useful.