Thursday 16 June 2011

Peter Lik - Nature Photographer Research

Peter Lik was born in 1959 in Melbourne, Australia to Czech immigrant parents.  He is a self taught landscape photographer.

In 1984, he began traveling in Alaska where he began to experiment with panoramic cameras.  For his 8th birthday, he was given Brownie camera and within minutes he was taking the drops of dew on a spiders web.  He started his own business in America in his early 20's.  Peter also takes images of cityscapes.  His photography features dramatic lighting, angles and settings as well as bright intense colours.  He also has a number of published books and numerous awards.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    You labelling has been a little light over the whole of the course, the whole point of it is that you know where you are at every stage of the course and are able to target the criteria to achieve higher.
    The tutor site has been there at all times to guide and give you support along with contact time with me.
    You work and input has been very enthusiastic and the amount of work you have added could of been analysed a little better with more analysis of research.
    You have achieved a Merit overall on this main unit, well done.

